Chord untuk Semua Alat Musik

Jumat, 14 Februari 2020

Chord gitar lagu / Kunci gitar lagu Ed sheeran - Save myself -

Save Myself - Ed Sheeran


GI gave all my Doxygen to Empeople that
could Cbreath
I gGave away my Dmoney and now Emwe
don't even Cspeak
Gdrove miles and Dmiles, but would
you Emdo the Dsame for Cme?
Oh Gho-Do-oGnestly

GOffered off my Dshoulder just for Emyou
to cry Cupon
GGave you constant Dshelter and a Embed
to keep you Cwarm
GThey gave me the Dheartache and in
reEmturn I Dgave a Csong
Its goes Go-o-onD and Gon


CLife can get you dGown so I just Dnumb
the way it Gfeels
Cdrown it with a Gdrink and out of
Ddate prescription Empills
And Call the ones that lDove me they
just Emleft me Don the Cshelf
My farewellA7
So before I Am7save someone else, I've
Am7got Gto Csave DmyGself


Ggave you all my Denergy and I Emtook
away your Gpain
'Cause Ghuman beings are Ddestined to
Emradiate or Cdream
WGhat line do we Dstand upon 'cause
from Emhere it Dlooks the Csame?
And Gonly sDcars reGmain


CLife can get you dGown so I just Dnumb
the way it Gfeels
Cdrown it with a Gdrink and out of
Ddate prescription Empills
And Call the ones that lDove me they
just Emleft me Don the Cshelf
My farewellA7
So before I Am7save someone else, I've
Am7got Gto Csave DmyGself


But if I Emdon't, hen I'll go bCack
To where I'm resGcuing a stranger
Just becDause they needed saving just
like Emthat
Oh, I'm here aCgain
Between the Gdevil and the danger
But I gDuess it's just my nature
My dad was wCrong
'Cause I'm not like my mDum
'Cause she'd just sEmmile and I'm
comDplaining in a Csong
But it A7helps
So before I Am7save someone else, I've
Am7got Gto Csave DmyGself


CLife can get you dGown so I just Dnumb
the way it Gfeels
Cdrown it with a Gdrink and out of
Ddate prescription Empills
And Call the ones that lDove me they
just Emleft me Don the Cshelf
My farewellA7
So before I Am7save someone else, I've
Am7got Gto Csave DmyGself

And before I Am7blame someone else,I've
Am7got Gto Csave DmyGself

And before I Am7love someone else, I've
Am7got Gto Clove DmyGself

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