Chord untuk Semua Alat Musik

Jumat, 14 Februari 2020

Chord gitar lagu / Kunci gitar lagu Ed sheeran - New man -

Track 8 – New Man
Chord progression repeating throughout:

Em G D Em C Bm D Em
Em G D Em
C Bm D Em
[Verse 1]
I heard he spent five hundred Gpounds on jeans
DGoes to the gym at least Emsix times a week
CWears boat shoes with Bmno socks on his feet
And I Dhear he’s on a new diet and Emwatches what he eats

He’s got his Emeyebrows plucked and his Gasshole bleached
DOwns every single MinisEmtry CD
CTribal tattoos and he Bmdon’t know what it means
But I Dheard he makes you happ, so that’s Emfine by me

But stillEm, I’m just Gkeepin’ it real
Still lookin’ Dat your Instagram and I’ll be Emcreepin’ a lil’
I’ll be Ctryin’ not to double tapBm, from way back
‘Cause I Dknow that’s where the trouble’s atEm

Let me remind you of the days when Gyou used to hold my hand
And when we Dsipped champagne outta Emcider cans
I guess if Cyou were Lois Lane, I wasn’t BmSuperman
Just a Dyoung boy tryin’ to be Emloved, so let me give it to you

[Chorus 1]
Em I don’t wanna know aGbout your new man
D ‘Cause if it was Emmeant to be
You Cwouldn’t be callin’ me Bmup tryin’ to --
‘Cause I’m Dpositive that he don’t wanna Emknow about me

Em I don’t wanna know aGbout your new man
D We’ll get there eEmventually
CI know you’re missin’ all thiBms kind of love
But I’m Dpositive that he don’t wanna Emknow about me

[Verse 2]
Your new man rents a house Gin the ‘burb
And wears a Dman bag on his shoulder but IEm call it a purse
Every Cyear he goes to Málaga Bmwith all the fellas
Drinks Dbeer but has a six pack, I’m Emkinda jealous

He wears sunEmglasses indoors in winGter at nighttime
And eveDry time a rap song Emcomes on, he makes a gang sign
CSays, “Cheya!”, boy dem Bmlight up the room
But eDnough about him girl, let’s Emtalk about you

You were the Emtype of girl who sat beside the Gwater readin’
Eatin’ a Dpacket of crisp, but you will Emnever find you cheatin’
Now you’re Ceatin’ kale, hittin’ the Bmgym
Keepin’ up with Kylie and DKim, in the back of the Emclub, kissin’ a boy that ain’t him

Okay, you need to be aGlone
And if you Dwanna talk about it, you can Emcall my phone
I just Cthought I would tell you ’cause Bmyou oughta know
You’re still a
young girl tryin’ to be loved, so let me give it to you

[Chorus 2]
Em I don’t wanna know aGbout your new man
D ‘Cause if it was Emmeant to be
You Cwouldn’t be callin’ me Bmup tryin’ to --
‘Cause I’m Dpositive that he don’t wanna Emknow about me

Em I don’t wanna know aGbout your new man
D We’ll get there eEmventually
CI know you’re missin’ all thiBms kind of love
But I’m Dpositive that he don’t wanna Emknow about me

BabyEm, I’m Gnot tryin’ to ruin your Dweek
But Emyou act so differentCly
BmWhen you’re with him, I Dknow you’re Emlonely
PleasEme, Gremember you’re still Dfree
EmTo make the choice and Cleave
BmDon’t call me up, you Dneed to Emshow me

[Chorus 3]
Em I don’t wanna know aGbout your new man
D ‘Cause if it was Emmeant to be
You Cwouldn’t be callin’ me Bmup tryin’ to --
‘Cause I’m Dpositive that he don’t wanna Emknow about me

Em I don’t wanna know aGbout your new man
D We’ll get there eEmventually
CI know you’re missin’ all thiBms kind of love
But I’m Dpositive that he don’t wanna Emknow about me

Em Positive that Ghe don’t wanna know about
D Positive that he don’t Emwanna know about
C Bm I don’t wanna know aD- aEmbout your new man

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